Health Services

Welcome To Paine College! "WE Care About You"

Overview from the Department of Health Services



Our goal is to assist students in maintaining the best possible physical and mental health while attending Paine College. The healthcare staff is dedicated to providing services in a timely, efficient and confidential manner.



Our mission is to promote student wellness by providing essential knowledge and assessment pertaining to their physical and mental well-being so that they can achieve maximum participation in the educational experiences offered by Paine College.


Services Provided:

  • Emergency First Aid
  • Health Counseling
  • Literature on health topics
  • Free health brochures and pamphlets
  • Free HIV Testing and Counseling
  • Health Screenings
  • All full-time students are automatically enrolled into the Accident and Sickness medical insurance plan upon registration to Paine College. Every student athlete is enrolled into the Intercollegiate accident insurance plan.
  • The walk-in system is employed and students may report for free medical service at any time the Health Clinic is open.

Medical assistance is provided to students through Paine College's Health Clinic, which is staffed by a full-time nurse. The college physician is within proximity to the campus and is available for consultation, emergency, or other priority healthcare situations.

Operation hours:
Monday – Friday 8:30am- 5pm
Closed on official college holidays


Frequently asked questions regarding health care:

How can I get an appointment to see the College physician?

You may come to the health clinic or call the college nurse so that she can complete all necessary forms and make arrangement for transportation to the physician's office.


Can I keep my medications in my room that I have brought from home?

Your medicines from home, either prescribed or over the counter drugs can be kept in your room and taken by you as a responsible adult. For safety reasons, it is important that you alert the nurse of all of your medications and natural supplements that you are taking.

Please remember, that Health Services does not provide any medications.

How can I get medical assistance after the Health Center is closed?

If a student is living in the Residence Hall and has an emergency, that is life threatening, or an illness/injury that could become worst, such that they need to be transported to the nearest hospital. Paine College will assume the responsibility of transporting that student to the nearest hospital emergency room.IF THIS SERVICE IS REFUSED BY THE STUDENT, THE COLLEGE WILL ASSUME NO FURTHER RESPONSIBILITY. However, parents/guardians will be notified of student's refusal.


How can I get my medical bills paid?

A claim form must be completed and submitted by the student to the insurance company. The claim forms are in the Health Clinic Office. The college nurse will assist students in completing the form. The students will need to file all medical bills and statements along with the claim form. Paine College will not be responsible for any medical bills incurred by students.


How can I get a medical excuse for class I have missed?

Medical excuses are not provided by the Student Health Center. Students are responsible for notifying professors of absence from class due to short term illness. In the event the college nurse feels an illness/injury will require more than three days of missed classes, the Health Center will notify the office of Academic Advising and a letter will be sent to the professors. Note: If the Health Center agrees to issue the medical excuse, the letter does not excuse the absence, or guarantee the student will be permitted to make up tests or other missed assignments; it is up to the discretions of the professors.




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